Wednesday 12 October 2011

Success to Success - What is the Meaning of Success in Life?
By Doug Firebaugh
What a wonderful word, and concept.
People have been striving for it all their life, and many achieving Success, and others are not so fortunate. It seems to elude them, and their life. Many have been pursuing Success for years, and others start towards it and seem to find it almost immediately. It is a concept that wars have been fought over. Success to one man was the capture and domination of another. And it has been that way for eons.
The meaning of Success comes in many forms, and many definitions. It depends on what you are searching for in life, and searching for in business. Athletes may have one definition of Success, and a stay at home mom may have another. A musician may see Success as a number one hit, and a Doctor may see Success as a surgery that went well. It really depends on the perspective of life you have. Perspectives on Success are as numerous as the stars.
But we need to start narrowing down an understanding of Success:
There is a difference between Accomplishment, Success, and True Success.
Lets' explore this briefly.
Accomplishment is where you have engaged in the task or action that you attempted, and have obtained the desired results. It is a based on what was expected, and what results were done. This is a daily happening in the world and marketplace. People accomplish things all day long, but really achieve no Success in those actions.
Success is something different.
Success to most people is when you have an ongoing string of accomplshments that when put together, add up to a major obtainment in life known as Success. The addition of all the accomplishments in a person's career or life can be viewed as Success in their life and business.
Success then is an ongoing realization and obtainment of worthy desired results, concerning actions, life, business, wealth, or a worthy ideal.
But there is even a higher level of Success.
There is a more powerful level of High Achievement.
That is why we call the Path to Success "Success to Success." It is Biblical that we all move from Glory to Glory, and we all must move from one level of Success to another.
It is called "True Success."
True Success is simply the realization and obtainment of a worthy ideal or result that your heart is deeply connected to it. It is what births PASSION and your SUCCESS PASSION. It is what people die for. It is why some people explode out of the gates and create Success easily, and others struggle all their life. They are operating on a whole different realm of Success and actions.
It is a Success that is SOAKED with Emotion, Powered by Passion, Driven by Destiny, and Forged with the Fire of the Heart.
There is is no more powerful Success than the Success that the heart is welded to it by the Fire of Passion.
Then we would say that Success and your heart have a definite connection in any type of True Success, and any kind that is long term.
That is why that many athletes and artists have long careers. Their heart is attached to their Success. That is why entrepreneurs many times have long careers. They are operating in their Passion and True Success Power. Many business people today have experienced True Success in their life on an ongoing basis.
Have you?
People accomplish things everyday. They accomplish results and more. People Succeed everyday in the marketplace and on the athletic field, as well as the professional field. The home field with raising successful children is one of the greatest True Success passions there is.
But few obtain True Success.
True Success has to be Passion driven, with a heart OnFIRE. True Success is birthed from a Dream that cannot be denied. It is driven by a hunger that cannot be stopped. It is driven by a focus that is unrelenting. It is driven by actions that will not be contained. And it is driven by a Force that knows no failure.
What is Success?
That is up to you. But it is not just accomplishment. It is beyond that.
The steady realization of a moral and worthy ideal is Success to most folks.
The steady realization of a dream and an ideal that is driven by the heart and Passion that will not, cannot, and will never be denied is Success to a few folks.
Those few folks not only know the meaning of Success, but also the experience of a Deeper and Higher level of Success.
They are driven by Success, not just pursuing it.
And within that little difference is the meaning and power between Success and True Success.

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Sunday 9 October 2011

Success Principles.

Success Principles
Success has principles with mathematical precisions that work effectively without fail, if strictly applied. Success is not a lottery you win by stroke of luck. Success is neither gambling. It is the application of always tested principles applied over the ages throughout the universe. And some of them are.
You must have a workable and realizable dream. The wonderful achievements throughout the world are products of lofty dreams, a vision actualized. For you to succeed in life, a dream just like the small seed of an oak tree, must first of all spring up in your mind. Have a realisable dream.
Daydreaming is not synonymous with success. Having dreamt about your dreams,  you have to lay down the roadmap that guides your jour journey to success. You first of all set down the goals before their judicious application. Your goals have to be short term, medium term and long term.
Having done that, it is time to act. You have to act correctly and timely. There must be action taken to move the dream motion forward. Except you act decisively and promptly your goal will not be achieved. Do not procrastinate.
Be honestly passionate about your goal. Think big.  Set your goals high. Even if the entire goal may not be achieved, a sizable part of it, if actualised is worth the while.
Follow these principles, among others, and you shall be successful.
These principles are tested and are applicable globally.   Success principles are very necessary ingredients of a prosperous life. No one ignores them to succeed.

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My first post

This is the first post of this blog whose major objective is to quest for success for all that engage in online business. Online bussiness does not depend on a mere wish for success but it must be learnt patiently through honest and capable mentors and action honestly taken. It needs patience and it rewards bountifully if approached with dedication and honesty. It is a quest for success for all.